Flinternship: Flipkart Internship 2021 for Student a Direct Job in Flipkart
Flipkart has an internship program called Flinternship for on-campus students for a direct job in flipkart. You should take this opportunity if your campus gets visited by Flipkart. If you’re interested here is how to signup for Flipkart Internship 2021? The youth of today are the ones that hold the future. So Flipkart has launched a program to help mold the young minds and ensure the promise of a brighter tomorrow. This program is called Flipkart internship or in the millennial’s term, the Flinternship. (Photo credit: Flipkart Careers) Table of contents What is Flipkart Internship? How to apply for Flinternship? The Benefits of Flinternship Highlights Challenging Environment Real Mentors Fun while working Flinternship: Student Flipkart Internship - FAQ Conclusion What is Flipkart Internship? The Flipkart internship aka Flinternship is an internship program to help out students get a positive experience, learn the present trade, and get a general outlo...